Sunday 27 September 2015

Law Enforcement

An officer detains an active parolee gang member for questioning, and during the detention, the grabbing into his shorts pocket. The suspect yells out to the officer that he is armed and will shoot the officer. The officer tackles the suspect, there is a violent struggle for the weapon, and the officer shoots and kills the suspect.
An officer attempts to affect an enforcement stop on a motorist for a hit and run accident. The driver fails to yield and stop at the first available opportunity, drives to a park and then suddenly foot bails into the park. The lone officer chases after the suspect into the park where the officer is subsequently shot and killed.
Foot pursuits by their very nature are highly emotionally charged and dangerous events that occur frequently in police work. Police officers must balance their obligation to enforce laws and arrest perpetrators with their personal safety. Unfortunately, this rarely happens.
Officers need to remember that at the same time that they are catching up to the suspect, they are also reducing the "reactionary gap" between themselves and the suspect. Reactionary gap is the distance between the officer and suspect, compared to the officer's ability to defensively react to something the suspect might do to them. Shorten the distance and the officer shortens his/her reaction time. This is almost always dangerous for the officer.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Expunging or Sealing a Criminal Record

Expungement refers to the process of sealing arrest as well as conviction records and virtually every state has enacted laws that allow the people to expunge arrests and convictions from their records. Though the details can vary from one state to the next and most states laws provide that once an arrest or conviction has been expunged it need not be disclosed which also includes potential employers or landlords. Since an expungement can offer a fresh start of sorts but one of the most important actions that people who have been arrested or convicted can take is to investigate their jurisdiction's expungement procedures.
Ask the following questions about the eligibility for expungement and the procedure that's involves the following questions such as is a particular offense eligible for expungement, when is a person eligible for an expungement, what does the expungement process involve, what are the consequences of expungement, etc.
Drug offenses: Many people arrested for the drug offenses are eligible for the diversion programs and these programs typically provide for the expungement of records which follows the satisfactory completion of a program.
Juvenile offenses: People which were arrested or convicted as juvenile offenders may have an easier time getting their criminal records expunged or sealed.

Friday 18 September 2015

Financial or White Collar Crimes - Clay Serenbetz

When anyone hears the word crime immediately he/she think of something such as robbery, assault, murder, drugs, etc. but people have found a way to commit a crime which does not require a gun, knife or fighting, a way to abuse their position as well as status to gain a large amount of other people’s money without being known as thieves or criminals. These crimes typically involves some form of deceit, man oeuvre or the abuse of a position of trust that distinguishes them from the common theft or robbery and this type of crime does not involve violent, drug related or visible illegal activities.
They have serious and long term impacts on their victims and these crimes that are conducted through a variety of mechanisms are continually evolving as well as vary in levels of sophistication. They also involve activities that defraud people of their money but robbery involves the threat of violence, crimes of financial fraud tend to be stealthy and nonviolent. They are often known as white collar crimes and although these crimes donor cause physical harm but they are still serious and carry penalties. They also affect private individuals, companies and organizations and have a negative effect on the entire economic as well as social system through the considerable loss of money incurred.